George E. Atwood, PhD
The Madness and Genius of Post-Cartesian Philosophy: 1 - A Distant Mirror
Time, Death, Eternity: Imagining the Soul of Johann Sebastian Bach
Nietzsche's Madness (with Commentary)
Shattered Worlds - Psychotic States
Heidegger's Nazism and the Hypostatization of Being
Legacies of the Golden Age: A Memoir of a Collaboration
Tragic & Metaphysical
The Demons of Phenomenological Contextualism: A Conversation
Credo and Reflections
There Must Be Blood
Blue is the Color: A Reichian Reverie
The Tightrope of Emotional Dwelling
The Phenomenological Circle and the Unity of Life and Thought
The Bloody Amputation: a discussion of a first dream in an analysis
Thoughts on Mania from an Intersubjective Viewpoint
The Phenomenology of Language and the Metaphysicalizing of the Real
The Psychoanalytic Method of George Atwood By Natalie Smolenski
Abnormal Psych Lectures
Memories and Thoughts
Men on Hooks
The Abyss of Madness
The Dark Sun of Melancholia
The Unbearable and The Unsayable
What is a Ghost?
Thoughts on Evil
He Needs His Sleep
Letters to a Young Student
Deep Thoughts
Who Really Is Dr. E?
Unforgettable Personality Lectures from 2005
Mad in America Interview
Cool Essays
The Madness and Genius of Post-Cartesian Philosophy: 1 - A Distant Mirror
Time, Death, Eternity: Imagining the Soul of Johann Sebastian Bach
Nietzsche’s Madness...
(with Commentary)
Shattered Worlds - Psychotic States
Heidegger's Nazism and the Hypostatization of Being
of the Golden Age: A Memoir of a Collaboration
Thoughts on Mania from an Intersubjective Viewpoint
Tragic & Metaphysical
Credo and Reflections
There Must Be Blood
Blue is the Color: A Reichian Reverie
The Tightrope of Emotional Dwelling
The Phenomenological Circle and the Unity of Life and Thought
The Bloody Amputation: a
Discussion of a First Dream in an Analysis
The Phenomenology of Language and the Metaphysicalizing of the Real